Each of our BBB consultants are qualified mentors, coaches, facilitators & trainers who offer training, mentoring and coaching separately or as part of our client’s implementation and change management phase. We develop bespoke training solutions specifically tailored to our clients and their business requirements, and offer programs and workshops to help support them during their transformational journey.


In Partnership with Auscontact

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Hands on leadership tools for now

Navigating how we work during the COVID-19 pandemic can be daunting, stressful and overwhelming for our managers, teams and our customers.

During this time, you may be feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your teams and businesses  — unsure if your usual leadership and coaching style and activities are right for this approaching new world.

However, with the right support we believe you can get through these uncertain times and dare we say it, thrive

BBB Advisory and Auscontact are here to support you, so you can flourish through unprecedented change and beyond.

In partnership with Auscontact and facilitated by BBB Advisory, we’ve created Live Virtual Workshops that will enable you to walk away with a completely new thought process, more motivated, confident and in control to manage through this crisis.

“Kylie has an awesome way to interact with attendees  relying on her coaching and psychology background.

During our Live Virtual Coffee Workshops, we share knowledge, frameworks and tools that you can adapt and apply right now!

Our Virtual Coffee Workshops are perfect for:

1. People leaders
2. Team Leaders and Coaches
3. All Managers – Contact Centre, Head Office and Operations
4. Trainers and Workforce Planners

Fit your own oxygen mask first.
You’re no use to anyone if you’re running on empty.
Caring for yourself first is often the
best thing you can do in order to help others.
It isn’t selfish, or egocentric.
Just really good advice.

As leaders, we know that you’ll be trying to do everything for your team members, however during these times, it’s important that you focus on fitting your oxygen mask first, before applying it to others.

In these Zoom workshops, Kylie and Lyn will take you through tips, tricks and frameworks that will empower you to thrive through this unprecedented change.

BBB Advisory has partnered with Auscontact to support you through these unprecedented and challenging times.  

If you are interested in attending our 2021 workshops, please email events@auscontact.com.au to express your interest.

“Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting you in the Auscontact course Lyn facilitated. 

It was only an hour session yet you managed to build rapport with me immediately.  I was just so engrossed in your every word of advice and the guidance you provided around leading teams remotely during this very challenging time.  It was quite emotional for me as I had been focusing so much on my team, I hadn’t considered the impact this was all having on me, until talking to you.

Many thanks Kylie, and I look forward to joining another session you may run soon!”



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Whether you want your current leaders to refresh and up-skill by attending short courses, or if you’re after a full leadership development program, BBB are here to help.

We are regularly asked to include leader training and coaching into our client’s operational improvement plans, and we offer focused leadership units that are flexible and can be provided as a one-off training session, or can be fit together and rearranged to suit the needs of your leaders.

BBB can also assist your in-house L&D Manager to create and/or deliver leadership programs, evaluation and coaching within your workplace. We can also work with your leaders to identify, evaluate and develop upcoming future leaders for your succession planning needs.

Ensure your leaders have the tools and capability they need for their leadership performance. Contact us to discover how we can future-proof your business today!


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Does your organisation consider change management when planning projects of business improvements?

Is there a clear link between change management and achieving business benefits?

What is the level of resistance or readiness for change across impacted areas of your business?

From experience, we know that effective change management directly relates to improved return on investment, meeting or exceeding project objectives, and less grief for all stakeholders. Considering Change Management early can save you dollars and heartache, which is why it is a cornerstone of everything we do.

BBB Advisory provides support tailored to your needs. We can do the heavy lifting for you or work alongside your team to coach, support and guide. We can develop the entire change strategy from the ground up, provide operational support or focus on building internal change capability within your team in any or all of the following areas.

  • Creating a change strategy
  • Stakeholder management and consultation
  • Change impact & readiness assessments
  • Stakeholder impact/influence mapping
  • Communications internal and external
  • Quality & Risk management
  • Benefits realisation & reporting
  • Business case and gateway approval
  • Procurement
  • All aspects of HR and L&D
  • Go-live, implementation and transition
  • Preparing  artefacts and documentation for all of the above

We work closely with you to ensure we’re meeting your needs and we have buy in from critical stakeholders. The goal is to make YOU look good and your project or change a success.

Contact our team to discuss how we can assist.


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Have you ever heard someone say ‘start with the end in mind?’ This is a Stephen Covey ‘7 Habits of Successful People’ concept, and is a particularly useful habit when applied in the workplace for business and team planning.

The BBB team are asked regularly to facilitate business planning sessions for all kinds of teams in all kinds of industry, and we also offer a training unit that teaches your leaders how to run the session the next time.

These workshops and training units enable managers, leaders and teams to fully understand their business, and how to articulate this to their direct reports. We show you how to identify the key business drivers, how to set goals around these, and how to align the actions to support these goals to the overall vision of the organisation.

Knowing why you and your teams are doing what they do, and how they contribute to the strategic objectives of their organisation, really is the first step in effective business planning – and most importantly of all we teach your managers and leaders how to act on their planning, how to make their plans work so they achieve the goals planned for – talk to us about how your next session will be the best yet…


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Knowing how to adequately resource your workplace for success can be overwhelming. BBB Advisory can assist in creating strategies to ensure you have the relevant number of resources with the required skillsets to manage the workload across all of your channels.


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At BBB Advisory we design proven sales, service and conversation frameworks to help sales and service teams develop high end sales conversations with their target clients. This enables them to drive revenue, close more business for the right reasons, and build trusted customer relationships.

Our frameworks follow a proven blueprint that helps build confidence, develops staff skills and offers even more powerful and meaningful conversations. We provide the techniques needed in order to give you and the customer a consistent experience that gets results.

Following a structured framework consistently can lead to increased conversions, more satisfied customers and better business outcomes. It also builds questioning skills and confidence needed to close the sale.

There are many workplace benefits to using these frameworks, such as:

  • Increased conversions
  • Improving the customer experience (increased NPS, promoters, detractors)
  • Providing effective techniques and questions to quickly assess customers’ needs and objectives
  • Engaging customers in innovative and refreshing ways
  • Building rapport and trust with clients
  • Increasing staff engagement

The simple truth is that greatness lies in mastering a great sales framework.

If you are a financial adviser that wants to:

  • Make more money?
  • Close more sales?
  • Streamline your appointment process?
  • Increase your confidence?

But don’t have time to be out of the office for a full day of training…. check out our Ignite Online Program here for more details.



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To develop a high performing team, you need to be more than a good leader, you need to be a great leader! 

A great leader is someone who can influence others, change minds, close deals and move others to act.

Coaching is a skill that directly focuses on individuals, groups or teams. When done well, coaching can unlock new skills and talents, enable better communication and turn good leaders into great leaders.

Without leaders who coach in the workplace, behaviours revert, training investment is diminished, and improvements in customer experience stagnate.

Using a coaching framework, and developing leaders around coaching provides many benefits to an organisation, such as:

  • Increased job engagement
  • Increased confidence/authenticity in the workplace
  • Faster onboarding
  • Faster leadership development and goal attainment
  • Increased emotional intelligence & sense of wellbeing
  • Improved team functioning
  • Increased commitment and job satisfaction
  • Better interpersonal relationships
  • Reduced sick leave

All of which provide better outcomes for customers.

If you have a:

  • A culture of telling vs empowering
  • New team leaders or managers needing to develop their leadership skills
  • Or experienced leaders looking to move to the next level

Talk with us about how coaching can help transform your staff into powerful leaders and your business into a high performing culture.

“Thanks again for creating and facilitating the session. I had some very positive feedback ….. about how engaging and informative the session was. I feel you have definitely helped lay the foundation for the cultural change needed, and assisted in starting a valuable education piece around who we are and the value we offer our members ”



Our clients often mix existing modules with tailored in-house training programs which focus specifically on areas relevant to their business and people. Whilst the topics over the years have been quite broad, we have delivered the following training for our clients:

  • Strategy Development and Planning
  • Coaching for Leadership Teams
  • Effective Communications
  • Workforce Planning and Management
  • Understanding Data and Reporting
  • Change Management
  • Building Teams & Team Alignment
  • Vision, Goals and Planning Sessions
  • Coaching for Performance
  • Leadership Development